Was doing ushering for Hari Raya Open House which was organize by my company U Mobile for the VVIP & VIP at this Manhattan Ballroom I & II at Berjaya Times Square Hotel on 29/10/2008. It was a great experience for me as this is my first time attending such function and although I dun really know most of the ppl there....but is a start and also a steps of learning on what to expect from this kind of events. Was there by 4.30pm, though the event suppose to starts at 5pm, but most of the guest only arrive around 6 plus....the time indeed was a lil too early for most ppl....
But still it was ok, as the ballroom inside itself is still having a last min finishing setting.... :)
We have 6 Usher on that night, all wearing Baju Kebaya....and I was the special wan out of all the rest of the usherer as I borrow the Kebaya from my mum, didn't want to wear the Kebaya borrowed from the company as the colour was a lil too bright for me....U know....being a usherer sometimes have a bad thing is you need to stand till the end of the events, and we were standing with a hungry stomach somemore weih....so at last when they is not much ppl around, we the usherer takes turn to have our dinner and me and my partner was the last wan to eat which by that time was around 8.30pm....it has been quite sometimes since I last stand for so long without sitting down and somemore wearing high heels....my poor feet..... :( but we still manage to have a lil fun by snapping picture around though.....
But still it was ok, as the ballroom inside itself is still having a last min finishing setting.... :)
We have 6 Usher on that night, all wearing Baju Kebaya....and I was the special wan out of all the rest of the usherer as I borrow the Kebaya from my mum, didn't want to wear the Kebaya borrowed from the company as the colour was a lil too bright for me....U know....being a usherer sometimes have a bad thing is you need to stand till the end of the events, and we were standing with a hungry stomach somemore weih....so at last when they is not much ppl around, we the usherer takes turn to have our dinner and me and my partner was the last wan to eat which by that time was around 8.30pm....it has been quite sometimes since I last stand for so long without sitting down and somemore wearing high heels....my poor feet..... :( but we still manage to have a lil fun by snapping picture around though.....

Me in my mum's Kebaya....

Me, and then I dun know what's her name...and Fennie (My partner for the night)

with the other usherer, the middle one is from our office Marketing side

Fennie and me...I know her through U Mobile flagship store at Times Square

Me and Fennie, after our dinner

Me with our U Mobile poster

but I love this picture....I take myself de....hehe....